We would like to share this experience with others that would enjoy taking part in an amazing adventure. This is not a charter. This is all about you taking part in every facet of a sailing trip from provisioning, choosing bays/islands to visit, charting routes, sharing the experience of night shifts, sailing in new waters, fishing for dinner, cooking and unfortunately cleaning. But you will experience the full adventure and be part of all of it and we guarantee it will be a memorable experience.

go to link So don’t worry if you are not a sailor, Shawn taught his mom (Yvonne), who was 61 at the time, the basics as she came to the Caribbean for 5 weeks when the catamaran was first purchased. Yvonne helped sail Imagination from St Vincent down to Tobago Cays and up to St Lucia, Dominica and Martinique. And then Shawn did the same with Ally. So with some basic knowledge on how to follow GPS routes, setting sails and knowing when to call the Captain, sailing the catamaran is easy, even with only two people. To accomplish this basic level of training, Shawn will teach those that choose to join our adventure, who don’t have any experience, the required skills in the first few days of joining the yacht on any leg that requires multiple nights at sea. The rest of the journey will be about learning as many additional sailing skills as you choose to learn.

see We want people to join us, partly to help with the sailing and cost, but most importantly, to share in the adventure of going off grid and being as self sufficient as possible. So we want people who are reasonably active, maybe want to scuba dive, snorkel, enjoy the seas and its creatures, go for walks/hikes to check out the area and inhabitants and generally, not remain yacht bound when there are things to go and do and see. But thats not to say there wont be chill time. There will be plenty of opportunity for that as well. So if you want to join us on this adventure, you will need to :-

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  • be willing to muck in and take part in all the jobs required to keep a yacht sailing in remote areas.
  • be a little flexible on start and end dates as sailing does not always like to follow a schedule due to the weather
  • be flexible with what you are willing to eat as provisioning can be unreliable. This means that if you have any specific dietary requirements, this yacht is not for you. Producing more than one meal at the same time, in a small galley whilst under way, is not practical in our opinion. Also if you are particularly fussy when it comes to food, this is not for you. You must be willing to eat fish and other meats.
  • not be a sulker or hold grudges. There will most probably be disagreements. You must be able to get over them quickly and not let the differences of opinion fester.
  • Enjoy getting off the yacht to investigate Most legs will be between 20 and 25 days, with a couple being longer when sailing the couple of long passages, such as Pacific Crossing and Atlantic Crossing. Some may be less if specifically requested in advance. Check out our legs as a guide to the distances sailed and locations. This can be found in the tab “Route Around the World”.

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follow url We do not want “hitch hikers” unless maybe its for just the long sailing trips and its in our interest to have the additional crew. For the rest of the legs, its about the additional crew having fun and an experience they will never forget. Its an experience, an adventure and a vacation, all in one. And so, we have decided its quite reasonable to charge a small amount on top of the shared costs which will go to the enourmous maintenance costs of running a 46′ catamaran and use of bed. Each person will share all daily running costs, including the food, and as no special diets are permitted, everyone will be eating the same food. In addition, there will be a small cost per day. As the captain is responsible for ensuring that the individuals that join the yacht also leave the country, a deposit of $1000US will have to be paid on boarding, which will be returned if the Captain is able to sign the relevant passenger off the yacht paperwork without any additional charge. Any additional costs specific to that person, imposed by the local government and/or any flight costs that may have to be paid by the captain, will be taken from the deposit.

here If you are interested in join us on one or more of the legs, please contact us by email:-

